For Students

The students of Mount Barker High School come from both the town of Mount Barker, and from across the wider Adelaide Hills region, with many travelling by bus from Littlehampton, Nairne, Hahndorf, Macclesfield, Echunga, Callington and Kanmantoo.
The school population is drawn from diverse backgrounds and cultures, yet the sense of community within the school is strong and immediately recognisable. The school promotes healthy relationships and an ethos of respect through its positive education focus. Students are treated as individuals, and not only is academic achievement promoted and celebrated, the school also fosters students’ individual interests and ambitions for the future.
Mount Barker High School has a long and proud history of academic success, with a notable number of students continuing their studies at universities in Australia and worldwide.
Not only does our alumni include a distinguished Rhodes Scholar, but also many others who have gone on to excel in academic, vocational and professional careers, such as doctors, teachers, actors, architects, diesel mechanics, bakers, farmers, film producers, gallery curators, artists and engineers.
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