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Not for ourselves alone

Curriculum 2025

Senior School Planning and Pathways

Senior students choose subjects and courses to prepare for success in the South Australian Certificate of Education (SACE) and life beyond school. Each student’s program should develop their abilities and interests and consider their preferences for how and where they best learn. Students can build skills, knowledge, understanding, and qualifications for further education, training, or entering their chosen careers.

Mount Barker High School students access a wide range of subjects and education and training options, including:

  • Subjects offered within the school or through the Adelaide Hills Vocational College
  • Flexible programs that combine school subjects with Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses  
  • Flexible programs that combine school subjects and Australian school-based apprenticeships or traineeships
  • Community-based learning options tailored to meet the needs of individual students

Mount Barker High School subjects
In this curriculum guide, subject information presented includes:

  • Content – what is being taught
  • Assessment – how students' summative work will be assessed
  • Additional information – such as course costs, preclusions, etc

The Adelaide Hills Vocational College
The Adelaide Hills Vocational College is part of Mount Barker High School and is located on the Mount Barker TAFE campus. Students enrolled in the college must be at least 16 years old. Students complete SACE through programs that are adapted to meet individual needs.

 Regional VET courses

Mount Barker High School is a member of the Adelaide Hills Student Pathways (AHSPS) school cluster. Along with other schools in our region, we offer VET courses. Students are provided information about these courses during term 3 of the academic year.

School-based apprenticeships

Mount Barker High School students are supported by our VET coordinator in organising school-based apprenticeships. Students gain vocational and technical qualifications while completing their school studies. Students involved in this program can finish their senior schooling while undertaking an apprenticeship. School-based apprentices are paid apprentice wages and are covered by a training contract that links to an industrial award or agreement.

Students wishing to enrol in a regional VET course or organise a school-based apprenticeship should contact the VET coordinator. Information about courses and school-based apprenticeships is available on the Adelaide Hills Student Pathways website:

Advice to students when making decisions

When making decisions about their senior school program, students could consider:

  • What are my goals, attributes and aspirations?
  • What knowledge, skills and abilities do I need to achieve my goals?
  • What qualifications and career areas am I aiming for? For example, do I want to go to university, TAFE, or some other form of training?
  • What subjects do I need to gain the background knowledge and skills necessary to prepare for year 12 subjects or university or TAFE study?
  • Are any subjects required as prerequisites or assumed knowledge for university courses?
  • What subjects or courses do I need to help me achieve these goals?
  • How do I learn best, and what subjects and courses are available inside and outside of school to help me learn in these ways?
  • How successful have I been in the subjects I studied this year?
  • what would I like or need to continue with?

Students should discuss choices with their families. Teachers and friends may also help because they are knowledgeable about particular occupations and are aware of each student’s abilities and chances of success in particular areas.

Students planning to commence employment
The government currently requires students to remain enrolled in school until they are 17 unless they have entered a full-time training course or gained employment contracted for at least 25 hours of work each week if they are 16 years of age or at least 30 hours of work each week if they are 15 years of age.

The school usually advises students to remain enrolled until they have completed the SACE, have entered training, or a course that provides an equivalent level qualification.

Students who are planning to commence employment when they have completed year 12 should consider:

  • The choice of a career is a continuing process rather than a once-only decision
  •  Choosing employment with a significant training component
  •  Looking at a range of jobs
  •  The time it may take to find useful work and how to make the most of this time
  •  The advantages of further study
  •  How to plan a career despite uncertain job opportunities
  •  How technological, economic and social changes may affect career planning
  •  The possibility that no employment outlet matches the student’s particular interest