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Not for ourselves alone

Curriculum 2025



Subject Name English 
Year Level 7
Subject Length Full year
Subject Type Compulsory
Staff Contact Kate Hynes


Year 7 English focuses on developing students’ knowledge, understanding, skills, and processes of speaking, listening, reading, viewing, and writing with purpose, clarity, and confidence in the fields of language (knowing about the English language), literature (appreciating, understanding, analysing, and creating literature), and literacy (expanding the skills of English usage).


Students complete various written, oral, and multimodal tasks to demonstrate their language skills, knowledge, and understanding, and they are assessed against the Australian Curriculum Achievement Standards. By the end of Year 7, students will demonstrate:

  • Knowledge of how texts are structured and how this is dependent on purpose, audience and context
  • An understanding of how language features, images and vocabulary affect meaning and influence audience response
  • An understanding of ideas and issues in texts through examining, responding to and creating literature
  • Appropriate construction of imaginative, informative, persuasive, media and everyday texts, using a range of language features and images
  • Speaking and writing, including handwriting, to demonstrate skills, knowledge and understanding of grammar, punctuation, spelling and increasingly subject-specific vocabulary
  • Drafting, proof-reading and editing skills

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