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Not for ourselves alone

Curriculum 2025



Subject Name  Photography
Year Level 11
Subject Length Semester
Subject Type Optional
Year 12 Pathway Year 12 Photography
Staff Contact Gerrard Doyle


This course allows students to study Photography, focusing on design to make communications products. The three areas of study are camera techniques, digital manipulation, and the creation of communication products.

Students develop skills in using a DSLR camera and post-production processes using Adobe Photoshop and Lightroom software to edit photos. They also experience studio photography and explore lighting techniques. 


Specialist skills task  50%

  • Camera techniques: Students investigate techniques leading to practical activities, demonstrating their knowledge of appropriate settings.
  • Digital manipulation: Students use Photoshop to create a folio of creative digital manipulation of photos they have taken and document the processes involved in creating resolved graphical designs. 

Design process and solution  50%

  • Design development: Students create a design brief and use the design process to investigate and plan a communications product - 1000 words
  • Solution realisation: Students produce their communications product resulting from their planning in part 1 and evaluate their product - 500 words

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