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Not for ourselves alone

Curriculum 2025

Exploring Identities and Futures


Subject Name Exploring Identities and Futures
Year Level 10
Subject Length Semester
Subject Type Compulsory
Staff Contact Heath Masters


Students plan personal learning goals for the future and make informed decisions about their personal development, education and training. Students will develop their understanding of the general capabilities used in all SACE subjects.

Students may focus on:

  • Selecting subjects, courses, and other learning relevant to pathways through and beyond school
  • Investigating possible career choices
  • Exploring personal and learning goals


Folio  80%

  • Part 1: Students identify and explain the seven SACE capabilities.
  • Part 2: Students become familiar with setting learning and personal goals using the ‘SMART’ tool as a guide.
  • Part 3: Students will identify their employability skills, research careers, write a cover letter and resume. Students discuss and practice interview techniques.
  • Part 4: Students create a presentation of an aspect of Australian culture for International students, showcasing their understanding of their target audience and the relevant capabilities.

Review  20%

Students complete a written reflection on the process of creating their resource (Part 4) and on their personal growth over the semester, with reference to the capabilities.

Additional Information

Exploring Identities and Futures intends to assist students in recognising their strengths and seeing that the purpose and value of learning are much more than knowledge and grades.